Jira Ticket Creation through Automation Using Jira Rest APIs

Devstringx Technologies
4 min readOct 26, 2023


Jira Automation Rest Apis

We can use REST APIs to build apps for Jira, script interactions with Jira, or develop integrations between Jira and other applications.

Steps of Jira Server Installation

  • First, You have to download Jira Server on your localhost.
  • After Installation, You have to start the Jira server. By default, Jira will automatically start on Port 8080.
  • After a few seconds, enter this URL http://localhost:8080/ on the browser.
  • Log in with your credentials on Jira.
  • Now, You are good to go with Jira.

Automation Setup for Jira API’s

  • First, you have the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your system.
  • For IDE, Here I am using Eclipse IDE. You can use others also.
  • We have to add a RestAssured dependency in the pom.xml file.
  • For Jira Authentication, Jira supports various authentication like Basic Authentication, cookies-based authentication, and OAuth but here, we are using cookies-based authentication with Jira username and password and after login, we have to handle the session key.

Jira Ticket Creation

1) Jira Ticket Payload

String payload =


+ “ \”fields\”:{\r\n”

+ “ \”project\”:{\r\n”

+ “ \”key\”:\”project key\”\r\n”

+ “ },\r\n”

+ “ \”summary\”:\”summary for ticket\”,\r\n”

+ “ \”description\”:\”Description of ticket\”,\r\n”

+ “ \”issuetype\”:{\r\n”

+ “ \”name\”:\”Bug\”\r\n”

+ “ }\r\n”

+ “ }\r\n”

+ “}”

  • You have to add your project key :
  • While creating a new project, you have to set the Project key as well
  • Go to Jira Dashboard and you will find the project key as shown in the image below
  • Add Summary, Description, and Issue Type of your ticket.
  • Issue Type can be Bug, Improvement, Tasks, Epic, etc.

2) Create a Jira Ticket, Add Comments, and Add Attachments

import io.restassured.RestAssured;

import static io.restassured.RestAssured.*;

import java.io.File;

import io.restassured.filter.session.SessionFilter;

import io.restassured.path.json.JsonPath;

public class JiraTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//Jira Base URI

RestAssured.baseURI= “http://localhost:8080";

SessionFilter session = new SessionFilter();

String expectedMessage = “Hey, how are you? This is my first comment”;

//Login Into Jira

String loginPayload = “”{ \”username\”: \”UserName\”, \”password\”: \”Password\” }””;

//Extract the Response

String response =given().header(“content-type”, “application/json”).body(loginPayload).filter(session).when().post(“/rest/auth/1/session”).then().extract().response().asString();

// creating a bug ticket

String ticketpayload = “”{\r\n” + “ \”fields\”:{\r\n” + “ \”project\”:{\r\n” + “ \”key\”:\”RES\”\r\n” + “ },\r\n” + “ \”summary\”:\”DebitCard Defect\”,\r\n” + “ \”description\”:\”Creating my first bug\”,\r\n” + “ \”issuetype\”:{\r\n” + “ \”name\”:\”Bug\”\r\n” + “ }\r\n” + “ }\r\n” + “}””;

//Extract the Response

String ticketResponse = given().header(“content-type”, “application/json”).body(ticketpayload).log().all().filter(session).when().post(“/rest/api/2/issue”).then().assertThat().statusCode(201).extract().response().asString();

//Add a comment in jira ticket

String cmntPayload = “”{\r\n” + “ \”body\”: \””+expectedMessage+”\”,\r\n” + “ \”visibility\”: {\r\n” + “ \”type\”: \”role\”,\r\n” + “ \”value\”: \”Administrators\”\r\n” + “ }\r\n” + “}””;

//Extract the Response

String addCommentResponse = given().pathParam(“key”, “ticketID”).header(“content-type”, “application/json”).body(cmntPayload ).log().all().filter(session).when().post(“/rest/api/2/issue/{key}/comment”).then().assertThat().statusCode(201).extract().response().asString();

//Add attachments

String responseAttach = given().header(“X-Atlassian-Token”,”no-check”).filter(session).pathParam(“key”, “ticketID”).header(“Content-Type”,”multipart/form-data”).multiPart(“file”,new File(“jira.txt”)).log().all().when().post(“/rest/api/2/issue/{key}/attachments”).then().assertThat().statusCode(200);

Note :

  • SessionFilter: It can be used to record the session ID returned from the server as well as automatically apply the session ID in subsequent requests.


After Executing the above code, Go to your Jira Dashboard and you will see the result as shown in the image below:

So, That’s how you will be able to create your first Jira ticket, add attachments to that, and add comments as well.

Related Post:-

Originally published at https://www.devstringx.com on Oct 26, 2023



Devstringx Technologies
Devstringx Technologies

Written by Devstringx Technologies

Devstringx Technologies is highly recommended IT company for custom software development, mobile app development and automation testing services

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