Codeigniter 4 Restful Api Crud Operation With JWT | Devstringx Technologies

Devstringx Technologies
4 min readAug 29, 2021


Step1: Install the composer

Step2: Install the codeigniter 4

There are two way to install the codeigniter 4

Way 1:

create-project codeigniter4/appstarter codeigniter4POC

Way 2:

Visit the below link and download the codeigniter 4 structure

Step3: run composer update from the project root terminal

Step4: create token from your github account

Click on the link and generate the token from there.

Past the token in the terminal and press enter

Step4: start the server

Run command the “php spark serve”

Step5: create model “ php spark make:model post”

Step6: create table

“CREATE TABLE `codeigniter4poc`.`posts` ( `id` INT(50) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `name` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , `created_at` TIMESTAMP NULL , `updated_at` TIMESTAMP NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB;”

Step7: connect to database config/database.php

Step8: create controller by php spark make:controller Post — restful

Step9: create the routes for the api’s in config/routes.php

$routes->post(‘/getdata’, ‘PostCon::getdata’);

$routes->post(‘/insert’, ‘PostCon::insert’);

$routes->post(‘/updatedata’, ‘PostCon::updatedata’);

$routes->post(‘/deletePost’, ‘PostCon::deletePost’);

$routes->post(‘/passdatabyurl/(:any)(:any)’, ‘PostCon::passdatabyurl/$1/$2’);

$routes->post(‘/passdatabyformdata’, ‘PostCon::passdatabyformdata’);

$routes->post(‘/getdatabyrowjson’, ‘PostCon::getdatabyrowjson’);

Step10: past the below code in post controller


namespace App\Controllers;

use App\Models\Post;

use CodeIgniter\RESTful\ResourceController;

class PostCon extends ResourceController



* Return an array of resource objects, themselves in array format


* @return mixed


public function index()



“error” => false,

“message” => “success”,

“status” => “Success”,

“status_code” => 200,

“data” => []


return $this->respond($response_data);


public function getdata()




$post = new Post();

$user = $post->findAll();


“error” => false,

“message” => “success”,

“status” => “Success”,

“status_code” => 200,

“data” => $user


return $this->respond($response_data);

} catch (\Exception $e) {


“error” => false,

“message” => $e->getMessage(),

“status” => “Success”,

“status_code” => 200,

“data” => $user


return $this->respond($response_data);



public function insert()




$post = new Post();

$data[‘name’] = “test”;



“error” => false,

“message” => ‘Data inserted successfully’,

“status” => “Success”,

“status_code” => 200,

“data” => $data


return $this->respond($response_data);

} catch (\Exception $e) {


“error” => false,

“message” => $e->getMessage(),

“status” => “Success”,

“status_code” => 200,

“data” => []


return $this->respond($response_data);



public function updatedata()




$post = new Post();

$post->set(‘name’, ‘tessssteing’);

$post->where(‘id’, 2);



“error” => false,

“message” => ‘Data Updated successfully’,

“status” => “Success”,

“status_code” => 200,

“data” => []


return $this->respond($response_data);

} catch (\Exception $e) {


“error” => false,

“message” => $e->getMessage(),

“status” => “Success”,

“status_code” => 200,

“data” => []


return $this->respond($response_data);



public function deletePost()




$post = new Post();

$post->where(‘id’, 1)->delete();


“error” => false,

“message” => ‘Data deleted successfully’,

“status” => “Success”,

“status_code” => 200,

“data” => []


return $this->respond($response_data);

} catch (\Exception $e) {


“error” => false,

“message” => $e->getMessage(),

“status” => “Success”,

“status_code” => 200,

“data” => []


return $this->respond($response_data);



public function passdatabyurl($num1,$num2)


//Get data from the url

echo $num1;

echo $num2;



public function passdatabyformdata()


//get data from the form data

$data = $this->request->getPost();




public function getdatabyrowjson()


//get data from the json format

$data = $this->request->getJSON();





Step11: run the command from the root of the project

“php spark serve”

How to use the custom helper in the codeigniter


Note: reference documentation

— use of model to communicate with database

— How to use the Query builder



Originally published at on Aug 21, 2021



Devstringx Technologies

Devstringx Technologies is highly recommended IT company for custom software development, mobile app development and automation testing services